Taiwan Technical Mission 42nd Anniversary : Taiwan Project for Indonesian Community Empowerment
Since 1976, Taiwan government has continuously assigned Agricultural Technical Teams to Indonesia. This is part of the agricultural cooperation between Indonesia and Taiwan, which is improving every year.
Head of Taiwan Government Representative in Indonesia (TETO) Amb. John C Chen said, since the Taiwan Technical Mission (TTM) Agricultural Engineers was assigned to Indonesia 42 years ago, various cooperation programs have been carried out. The cooperation includes Cultivation System Improvement for mushrooms, asparagus, oranges, and livestock; Horticultural crop production techniques, aquaculture techniques, irrigation systems, food processing, soil and water conservation, and agribusiness management.
Meanwhile, there are currently 18 collaborative projects, including the Bali One Village One Product (OVOP) Project, Bogor Agribusiness Project, Corporate Agriculture Improvement and Development for Bandung Area, Superior Variety Rice Development in South Sulawesi and Agricultural Pilot Area Cooperation in Karawang Area.
The Taiwan Technical Mission has also conducted more than 130 training and field trips, in which more than 20,000 people have benefited. Taiwan, John said, will continue to share techniques and experiences in agricultural management or marketing, to help increase income and agricultural output, and to improve community’s lives.

Head of the Taiwan Economic and Trade Representative Office (TETO) John Chen (third from left) with the Director of International Cooperation of the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture Mesah Tarigan (fourth from left); and Head of Taiwan Technical Team Douglas Muh (second from left) and President of Taiwan Alumni / ICDF Indonesia Arif Misbahul MBM all joining Cake cutting ceremony as the Opening Ceremony of “42 Years of Taiwan-Indonesia Agricultural Cooperation” Seminar in Jakarta, Thursday, December 6, 2018.