Institut Pertanian Bogor (Bogor Agricultural University – IPB University) in collaboration with Taiwan ICDF (International Cooperation and Development Fund) inaugurated Agribusiness Development Center (Pusat Pengembangan Agribisnis) in Cikarawang Village, Bogor, West Java, as a way to improve the quality of Indonesian farmers’ resources in order to penetrate local and international markets.
IPB University’s Agribusiness Development Center was established on 10 hectares land owned by IPB University, about one third of it is used for general facilities including Office, parking lot, cafeteria, and other buildings; and the rest is used for agricultural land. Facilities and experts were provided by IPB University with assistance from Taiwan Technical Mission. Taiwan provided funding about USD 300.000 for physical construction and development.
The cooperation is intended to synergize research, education, and marketing in developing modern agricultural system.
IPB University Agriculture Union is expected to be Integrated Agricultural System Development Model in Indonesia. Considering Indonesia has huge potential fruit and vegetable products exports to United States and European countries.
Currently, IPB University Agricultural Union is already formed, with 100 Farmer members supplying fruit and vegetable for 43 supermarkets around Jabodetabek (Jakarta and the surrounding Bogor Depok Tangerang Bekasi).