Currently, Taiwan is one of the ideal destination for Undergraduate and Graduate Studies for Indonesian people. Not only it is located relatively near to Indonesia, but also because its world-quality education, comparable to other western and developed countries.
Those aforementioned information was delivered by President of International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF) Taiwan Arif Misbahul MBM in front of the students of Faculty of Economics and Business, Diponegoro University (FEB UNDIP), along with FEB UNDIP Dean, Dr. Suharnomo, and Head of International Office FEB UNDIP, Jaka Aminata S.E., M.A., Ph.D. in their campus, Monday afternoon (22/5)
“Each year, Taiwan Government provides more and more scholarship opportunities for Indonesian young generation to study in 163 universities in Taiwan with scholarship. Total amount of Indonesian students studying in Taiwan by 2019 can be multiplied up to 12.000 through scholarship schemes or other cooperative programs in accordance to President Tsai Ingwen government’s New Southbound Policy.”, Arif Misbahul, the Project Director Taiwan Studies Consortium, said.
According to Arif, education is one of the way to break the chain of poverty in developing country like Indonesia. However, total amount of doctorate degree scholars in Indonesia is around 31.000, far from ideal number Indonesia have, 160.000 doctorate scholars.
Furthermore, according to Arif, who is also S1 graduate from Faculty of Engineering, UGM, Taiwanese are also openly welcoming to newcomers and that Indonesian are one of the most welcomed communities by Taiwanese. Furthermore, based on the current data, there are around 300.000 Indonesian workers working in Taiwan and 27.000 of them are married and started their household with Taiwanese.