Arif Misbahul MBM (Project Director Taiwan Studies Consortium/ ICDF Indonesia Representative) attended this Taiwan Government’s Scholarship Workshop as a speaker. The Workshop was held in KPA Meeting Room, Sriwijaya University (UNSRI), Palembang, for 2 days.
The purpose of this Taiwan Scholarship Program is to incite and provide opportunities not only for the best lecturers and alumni of UNSRI, but also for high performing students, to pursue their further studies in Taiwan. Arif Misbahul explained that ESIT SCHOLARSHIP (University’s Scholarship) application can be done alongside other Taiwan Scholarship applications: MOE Scholarship, ICDF Scholarship, MOST Scholarship, MOFA Scholarship, TIGP Scholarship, and Taiwan Universities scholarship (ESIT Scholarship) and others, including LPDP. When successfully granted more than one, grantee may choose the most suitable one.
During the workshop, he also mentioned the requirements for prospective applicants of Taiwan Scholarship to apply for selection process. The workshop participants were required to submit their application files, such as Original copy of Graduation Certificate and Transcript (in Indonesia and English), and others, i.e. KTP (National ID).
The Workshop was started with Opening by Vice Rector of Academic Affairs, Prof. Ir. H. Zainuddin Nawawi, P.hD.. In his opening speech, he advised the participants to endeavor to apply so that they would succeed in the selection process thus able to pursue their S2 Master Degree and S3 Doctoral Degree studies in Taiwan. He also conveyed that after they finished their study in Taiwan, they would be back joining UNSRI.