
Taiwan Center Held International Job Fair in UNS

Taiwan Job Fair UNS

Taiwan Center Indonesia held the first ever International Job Fair with three Taiwan based companies in the Faculty of Law, Universitas Sebelas Maret (FH UNS) Auditorium Hall, Wednesday (23/10/2019). The three companies were ACTi Corporation, HCP Pump Manufacture, and PEGATRON Corp.

This job fair titled “UNS-Taiwan Job Fair” was held as collaboration from Career Development Center (CDC) and International Office (IO) UNS with Taiwan Center, TETO Taiwan Trade Office in Jakarta and Ministry of Economy Fair Taiwan.

Vice Rector of Academic Affairs, Prof. Ahmad Yunus in his opening speech mentioned that the job fair is intended to open the opportunities for UNS alumni to work in multinational and international companies. Furthermore, the job fair is also UNS’s effort toward World Class University, in which one of the rated criteria is total number of UNS alumni working in multinational companies.

taiwan job fair uns
Perusahaan Taiwan

Taiwan Technical Mission 42nd Anniversary

Taiwan Technical Mission 42nd Anniversary : Taiwan Project for Indonesian Community Empowerment

Since 1976, Taiwan government has continuously assigned Agricultural Technical Teams to Indonesia. This is part of the agricultural cooperation between Indonesia and Taiwan, which is improving every year.

Head of Taiwan Government Representative in Indonesia (TETO) Amb. John C Chen said, since the Taiwan Technical Mission (TTM) Agricultural Engineers was assigned to Indonesia 42 years ago, various cooperation programs have been carried out. The cooperation includes Cultivation System Improvement for mushrooms, asparagus, oranges, and livestock; Horticultural crop production techniques, aquaculture techniques, irrigation systems, food processing, soil and water conservation, and agribusiness management.

Meanwhile, there are currently 18 collaborative projects, including the Bali One Village One Product (OVOP) Project, Bogor Agribusiness Project, Corporate Agriculture Improvement and Development for Bandung Area, Superior Variety Rice Development in South Sulawesi and Agricultural Pilot Area Cooperation in Karawang Area.

The Taiwan Technical Mission has also conducted more than 130 training and field trips, in which more than 20,000 people have benefited. Taiwan, John said, will continue to share techniques and experiences in agricultural management or marketing, to help increase income and agricultural output, and to improve community’s lives.

Taiwan Technical Mission Indonesia

Head of the Taiwan Economic and Trade Representative Office (TETO) John Chen (third from left) with the Director of International Cooperation of the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture Mesah Tarigan (fourth from left); and Head of Taiwan Technical Team Douglas Muh (second from left) and President of Taiwan Alumni / ICDF Indonesia Arif Misbahul MBM all joining Cake cutting ceremony as the Opening Ceremony of “42 Years of Taiwan-Indonesia Agricultural Cooperation” Seminar in Jakarta, Thursday, December 6, 2018.

Taiwan Alumni/ ICDF-Indonesia

Taiwan Built Rice Seed Breeding Center Valued at IDR 15 Billion in UNHAS

Beras Unggul Taiwan Unhas

Taiwan ICDF International Cooperation and Development Fund established High Quality Rice Seed Breeding Center in UNHAS University is Makassar, which features store house, grinding house, and Greenhouse prototype as part of the project.

Greenhouse Prototype in this High Quality Rice Seed Breeding Development Project in UNHAS had finished construction and inaugurated. Inauguration was carried out by Ribbon-cutting Ceremony by Amb. John C Chen as the Head of Taiwan Representatives Office in Indonesia (TETO) and Dr. Hsiang Tie Yie as the Secretary General of ICDF Taiwan accompanied by UNHAS University Rector, Prof. Dwia Aries Tina Pulubuhu, MA. The Ceremony was held in Teaching Farm of Agriculture Faculty of UNHAS University.

UNHAS University Rector in her welcoming speech, conveyed that Greenhouse establishment added to enthusiasm and inspiration to UNHAS University Research teams. This cooperation implementations will be beneficial for many parts, from farmers productivity to increasing numbers of governmental exports.

TETO Head, Amb. John C Chen in his welcoming speech mentioned that thus Grant Project had entered its second year since it was inaugurated in 2018. He also mentioned that this Grant Project and Taiwan would provide funding of more than USD 1 Million (15 Billion Rupiah) for this Seed Project in UNHAS University. This Grant is expected to strengthen UNHAS University achievements as the only university outside Java island ranked in Top 10 National Best Universities.

While ICDF Taiwan Secretary General Dr. Hsiang Tie Yie pointed that the Seed Breeding Center implemented Taiwan cooperation to Indonesian Agricultural Human Resources. Taiwan has had 43 years of experience in cooperative projects in Indonesian Human Resources Development, specifically in Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, and Fisheries.

High Quality Rice Seed Development

Taiwan Grant ICT Center Valued at IDR 27.5 Billion for UNSYIAH Aceh

ICT Center Unsyiah

Taiwan government has granted Information Communication and Technology Center (ICT Center) with USD 2 Million valuation (around 27.5 billion Rupiah) to Universitas Syiah Kuala (Unsyiah), Banda Aceh, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam.

The facility was constructed by contractor from Taiwan, RSEA Engineering Corporation Taipei Taiwan, since 2009. Considering Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam is included as earthquake prone area, the ICT Center building was designed with Taiwan earthquake-resistant technology. 

This multifunctional ICT Center building consists of 3 floors, 5 classrooms completed with computers facilities. Not only providing Center Hall accommodates 150 person, ICT Center also features library, meeting rooms, small to medium classrooms, catering area, and offices. 

Taiwan - Unsyiah

Taiwan Center General Lecture on Study Opportunities in New Southbond Policy Era – FEB UNDIP

Taiwan Center Undip New Southbound Policy

Currently, Taiwan is one of the ideal destination for Undergraduate and Graduate Studies for Indonesian people. Not only it is located relatively near to Indonesia, but also because its world-quality education, comparable to other western and developed countries.

Those aforementioned information was delivered by President of International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF) Taiwan Arif Misbahul MBM in front of the students of Faculty of Economics and Business, Diponegoro University (FEB UNDIP), along with FEB UNDIP Dean, Dr. Suharnomo, and Head of International Office FEB UNDIP, Jaka Aminata S.E., M.A., Ph.D. in their campus, Monday afternoon (22/5)

“Each year, Taiwan Government provides more and more scholarship opportunities for Indonesian young generation to study in 163 universities in Taiwan with scholarship. Total amount of Indonesian students studying in Taiwan by 2019 can be multiplied up to 12.000 through scholarship schemes or other cooperative programs in accordance to President Tsai Ingwen government’s New Southbound Policy.”, Arif Misbahul, the Project Director Taiwan Studies Consortium, said.

According to Arif, education is one of the way to break the chain of poverty in developing country like Indonesia. However, total amount of doctorate degree scholars in Indonesia is around 31.000, far from ideal number Indonesia have, 160.000 doctorate scholars.

Furthermore, according to Arif, who is also S1 graduate from Faculty of Engineering, UGM, Taiwanese are also openly welcoming to newcomers and that Indonesian are one of the most welcomed communities by Taiwanese. Furthermore, based on the current data, there are around 300.000 Indonesian workers working in Taiwan and 27.000 of them are married and started their household with Taiwanese.

ICoSaPS International Conference: Technology and Innovation in Contemporary Democratic Society

Prof Liao Da Chi UNS Taiwan ICoSaPS

Prof. Da Chi Liao from Nasional Sun Yatsen University Taiwan,was invited as speaker for International Conference collaboration from UNS-Taiwan Center. Prof. Da Chi Liao mentioned that technology, innovation, and democracy factors are the most recent hot topics.

Even more so, current technology plays more role in democratic life, not only in Indonesia but also globally.

Based on attendance, there was improved variety, in which more different countries joined and participated in this conference. There are participants from Indonesia, Egypt, Netherlands, Australia, and Malaysia.

Therefore, new ideas to answer challenges of related phenomenons around technology and innovation in democratic society, are highly needed.

Prof Da Chi Liao Taiwan UNS NSYSU

International Conference on Small And Medium Enterprise Empowerment (ICSMEE)

Prof. Tai Wan Ping

Prof. Tai Wan Ping, Ph.D. professor of business from Cheng Shiu University was invited as speaker in International Conference held by Research and Community Services Institute, Universitas Sebelas Maret (LPPM UNS) in collaboration with Taiwan Center.

The International Conference themed “Enhancing Small Medium Enterprise Competitiveness Based on Creative Economy in Innovation Disruptions” not only invited international speakers from partner universities in Taiwan, but also speakers from Creative Economy Agency of the Republic Indonesia

The main purpose of this international conference is to serve as dissemination for research, knowledge, and experience in SME’s empowerment, in social, economical, and technological aspects from policy makers, stakeholders, researchers, volunteers, and practitioners, to be recommended as guidance and strategy to empower SMEs.

This International Conference is expected to be an effective knowledge sharing media in order to create competitive Indonesian SMEs.

Furthermore, this conference also provided opportunities to build cooperation and synergize the stakeholders (government agencies, universities, business enterprises, and NGO) in SMEs empowerment.

Prof. Tai Wan Ping Cheng Shiu University

Seminar on Agro-Enterpreneurship : Rural Development Based On Integrated Modern Agribusiness

Taiwan UGM ICDF Alumni

Speakers for this seminar is Mr. Andrew Hsia (Representative of Taiwan Economic and Trade Office), Leroy Samy Uguy, M.A., Ph.D. (Deputy Assistant of Superior Commodity Development, Economics and Business Development Section, in representation of Ministry of Village, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (KDPT) Minister), Dr. Ir. Jamhari , M.S. (Dean of Faculty of Agriculture UGM), and Mr. Lin Yen Jen (Chairman of Taiwan Technical Mission). 

The Seminar was attended by around 100 participants from various educational institutions and agencies, within or outside of UGM, Departments of Agriculture in D.I. Yogyakarta regions, S1 undergraduate/S2 S3 graduate students, Faculty of Agriculture UGM lecturers, groups from D.I. Yogyakarta Chamber of Commerce and Industry, groups from Taiwan, and management and members of ICDF/Taiwan Alumni Association

Arif Misbahul MBM, as the Chairman of Alumni Association, expected that this seminar strengthen the reciprocal relationship and create more benefit for the related parties, specifically in Agriculture sectors development to improve community’s welfare. Further, cooperation in education sector is also expected to improve, such as lecturers/students exchange and futher studies in graduate schools in notable universities in Taiwan.

Agro-Enterprenerurship Taiwan Indonesia UGM

Visiting Professor from NKNU Taiwan in UNS

Prof Lee Leong Szee NKNU UNS

Visiting Professor from NKNU Taiwan in UNS : “From the Southern History Taiwan to the South East Asia: Chinese Society and Multiculturalism”.

Prof. Lee Leong Sze, Ph.D, history expert from National Kaohsiung Normal University (NKNU), were invited to deliver in General Lecture in Bachelor and Master Degree Program of History Education of Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS).

Prof. Lee and three other professors were on their Cooperative Visitation to UNS as one of the MoU between UNS and NKNU implementation. Beside delivering general lectures, they were also invited as speakers in International Seminars at several faculties in UNS, and also arranged further cooperation, e.g. Joint-research and Staff exchange UNS-Taiwan.

UNSRI – Taiwan Scholarship Workshop

beasiswa taiwan indonesia unsri

Arif Misbahul MBM (Project Director Taiwan Studies Consortium/ ICDF Indonesia Representative) attended this Taiwan Government’s Scholarship Workshop as a speaker. The Workshop was held in KPA Meeting Room, Sriwijaya University (UNSRI), Palembang, for 2 days.

The purpose of this Taiwan Scholarship Program is to incite and provide opportunities not only for the best lecturers and alumni of UNSRI, but also for high performing students, to pursue their further studies in Taiwan. Arif Misbahul explained that ESIT SCHOLARSHIP (University’s Scholarship) application can be done alongside other Taiwan Scholarship applications: MOE Scholarship, ICDF Scholarship, MOST Scholarship, MOFA Scholarship, TIGP Scholarship, and Taiwan Universities scholarship (ESIT Scholarship) and others, including LPDP. When successfully granted more than one, grantee may choose the most suitable one.

During the workshop, he also mentioned the requirements for prospective applicants of Taiwan Scholarship to apply for selection process. The workshop participants were required to submit their application files, such as Original copy of Graduation Certificate and Transcript (in Indonesia and English), and others, i.e. KTP (National ID).

The Workshop was started with Opening by Vice Rector of Academic Affairs, Prof. Ir. H. Zainuddin Nawawi, P.hD.. In his opening speech, he advised the participants to endeavor to apply so that they would succeed in the selection process thus able to pursue their S2 Master Degree and S3 Doctoral Degree studies in Taiwan. He also conveyed that after they finished their study in Taiwan, they would be back joining UNSRI.

UNSRI Taiwan Scholarship Workshop