TCUP (Taiwan Center University Preparation) Program is a specially arranged series of activities focusing on preparing prospective students for further study in Taiwan.
TCUP has been initiated since 2011 and going through various improvements while supervising students to successfully pursue their study in Taiwan. Taiwan Center Indonesia is experienced in Study in Taiwan preparation for 600+ students, currently studying in our partnering universities all around Taiwan, from Bachelor Degree (S1), Master Degree (S2), Doctoral Degree (S3), Government/Industry-Funded Internship and Research Programs, and many more.
This program, TCUP for TSC Partner University, is specially arranged for students in Taiwan Center partnering universities in Indonesia, aiming to specialize in multidisciplinary field, not limited for research-oriented to expertise in career-oriented individuals.
TSC (Taiwan Studies Consortium) includes top universities in Indonesia, experienced in educating young talents, learners, and experts. Taiwan Center Indonesia has supervised students from (in alphabetical order):
- Universitas Diponegoro
- Universitas Gadjah Mada
- Universitas Hasanuddin
- Universitas Sebelas Maret
- Universitas Sriwijaya
- Universitas Syiah Kuala
- many more…