Six Taiwan Students Join UNS Hi Java Cultural Course

UNS Cultural Course Taiwan

Six students from UNS Partner Universities in Taiwan alongside with students from Japan and Canada joined Hi Java Cultural Course held by International Office UNS for 2 weeks in Surakarta City and closeby areas.

Hi Java Cultural Course delivered in English to provide understanding on short history, community, language, art, and culture of Jawa (Java) and Indonesia.

The program was specially prepared by combining class courses in the morning continued by field trip or field study in the afternoon. Courses material in this program is designed for international students needed basic and common information about culture of Indonesia and Java.

Result from the learning process during this course will be beneficial in many areas, including academic purposes and professional purposes. Hi Java Cultural Course was held in Surakarta and the surrounding area, where the students visited several cultural sites, thus they can learn with fun.

Cultural Course International Java

Taiwan Center Held International Job Fair in UNS

Taiwan Job Fair UNS

Taiwan Center Indonesia held the first ever International Job Fair with three Taiwan based companies in the Faculty of Law, Universitas Sebelas Maret (FH UNS) Auditorium Hall, Wednesday (23/10/2019). The three companies were ACTi Corporation, HCP Pump Manufacture, and PEGATRON Corp.

This job fair titled “UNS-Taiwan Job Fair” was held as collaboration from Career Development Center (CDC) and International Office (IO) UNS with Taiwan Center, TETO Taiwan Trade Office in Jakarta and Ministry of Economy Fair Taiwan.

Vice Rector of Academic Affairs, Prof. Ahmad Yunus in his opening speech mentioned that the job fair is intended to open the opportunities for UNS alumni to work in multinational and international companies. Furthermore, the job fair is also UNS’s effort toward World Class University, in which one of the rated criteria is total number of UNS alumni working in multinational companies.

taiwan job fair uns
Perusahaan Taiwan

ICoSaPS International Conference: Technology and Innovation in Contemporary Democratic Society

Prof Liao Da Chi UNS Taiwan ICoSaPS

Prof. Da Chi Liao from Nasional Sun Yatsen University Taiwan,was invited as speaker for International Conference collaboration from UNS-Taiwan Center. Prof. Da Chi Liao mentioned that technology, innovation, and democracy factors are the most recent hot topics.

Even more so, current technology plays more role in democratic life, not only in Indonesia but also globally.

Based on attendance, there was improved variety, in which more different countries joined and participated in this conference. There are participants from Indonesia, Egypt, Netherlands, Australia, and Malaysia.

Therefore, new ideas to answer challenges of related phenomenons around technology and innovation in democratic society, are highly needed.

Prof Da Chi Liao Taiwan UNS NSYSU

Visiting Professor from NKNU Taiwan in UNS

Prof Lee Leong Szee NKNU UNS

Visiting Professor from NKNU Taiwan in UNS : “From the Southern History Taiwan to the South East Asia: Chinese Society and Multiculturalism”.

Prof. Lee Leong Sze, Ph.D, history expert from National Kaohsiung Normal University (NKNU), were invited to deliver in General Lecture in Bachelor and Master Degree Program of History Education of Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS).

Prof. Lee and three other professors were on their Cooperative Visitation to UNS as one of the MoU between UNS and NKNU implementation. Beside delivering general lectures, they were also invited as speakers in International Seminars at several faculties in UNS, and also arranged further cooperation, e.g. Joint-research and Staff exchange UNS-Taiwan.