TCUP [S2/S3]

TCUP (Taiwan Center University Preparation) Program is a specially arranged series of activities focusing on preparing prospective students for further study in Taiwan.

TCUP has been initiated since 2011 and going through various improvements while supervising students to successfully pursue their study in Taiwan. Taiwan Center Indonesia is experienced in Study in Taiwan preparation for 600+ students, currently studying in our partnering universities all around Taiwan, from Bachelor Degree (S1), Master Degree (S2), Doctoral Degree (S3), Government/Industry-Funded Internship and Research Programs, and many more.

This program, TCUP for Master Program and Doctoral Degree (S2/S3), is arranged to help guide university graduates to pursue further study in Taiwan.

Taiwan Center Indonesia frontline is reinforced with experienced language teachers, education specialists, soft-skill trainers, and helpful team members.


TCUP (Taiwan Center University Preparation) Program is a specially arranged series of activities focusing on preparing prospective students for further study in Taiwan.

TCUP has been initiated since 2011 and going through various improvements while supervising students to successfully pursue their study in Taiwan. Taiwan Center Indonesia is experienced in Study in Taiwan preparation for 600+ students, currently studying in our partnering universities all around Taiwan, from Bachelor Degree (S1), Master Degree (S2), Doctoral Degree (S3), Government/Industry-Funded Internship and Research Programs, and many more.

This program, TCUP for Bachelor Studies (S1), is specially arranged for high school students in Indonesia (SMA/MA/SMK/Sederajat) aiming for Bachelor studies in Taiwan.

Specialized tracks are prepared to suit every student’s preference, unique traits, strength, opportunity, and excellence. TCUP for Bachelor Studies (S1) in Taiwan is including preparation for English-taught programs and Chinese-taught programs.

Taiwan Center Indonesia frontline is reinforced with experienced language teachers, education specialists, soft-skill trainers, and helpful team members.

TCUP [TSC Partnership]

TCUP (Taiwan Center University Preparation) Program is a specially arranged series of activities focusing on preparing prospective students for further study in Taiwan.

TCUP has been initiated since 2011 and going through various improvements while supervising students to successfully pursue their study in Taiwan. Taiwan Center Indonesia is experienced in Study in Taiwan preparation for 600+ students, currently studying in our partnering universities all around Taiwan, from Bachelor Degree (S1), Master Degree (S2), Doctoral Degree (S3), Government/Industry-Funded Internship and Research Programs, and many more.

This program, TCUP for TSC Partner University, is specially arranged for students in Taiwan Center partnering universities in Indonesia, aiming to specialize in multidisciplinary field, not limited for research-oriented to expertise in career-oriented individuals.

TSC (Taiwan Studies Consortium) includes top universities in Indonesia, experienced in educating young talents, learners, and experts. Taiwan Center Indonesia has supervised students from (in alphabetical order):

  • Universitas Diponegoro
  • Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • Universitas Hasanuddin
  • Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Universitas Sriwijaya
  • Universitas Syiah Kuala
  • many more…

Six Taiwan Students Join UNS Hi Java Cultural Course

UNS Cultural Course Taiwan

Six students from UNS Partner Universities in Taiwan alongside with students from Japan and Canada joined Hi Java Cultural Course held by International Office UNS for 2 weeks in Surakarta City and closeby areas.

Hi Java Cultural Course delivered in English to provide understanding on short history, community, language, art, and culture of Jawa (Java) and Indonesia.

The program was specially prepared by combining class courses in the morning continued by field trip or field study in the afternoon. Courses material in this program is designed for international students needed basic and common information about culture of Indonesia and Java.

Result from the learning process during this course will be beneficial in many areas, including academic purposes and professional purposes. Hi Java Cultural Course was held in Surakarta and the surrounding area, where the students visited several cultural sites, thus they can learn with fun.

Cultural Course International Java

Taiwan S1 Bachelor Degree Program Preparative Course: Matriculation

Matriculation is a program to commensurate student’s knowledge and to introduce campus and college life usually prepared for special recruit students.

On 2018, Matriculation Courses were prepared for S1 Bachelor Degree Industry-Academia Collaboration Taiwan Scholarship grantees who were selected by Taiwan Center Universitas Sebelas Maret.

The purpose for this Matriculation Course itself is to commensurate the various competencies of the students who were coming from various school, specifically students from suburbs region; it also introduced their campus further, and also strengthen the students bonds.

Result from Matriculation Course is the students readiness to commence their study in Taiwan, so that they could finish their S1 Bachelor Degree Program in Taiwan on time and with provisioned results.

Emphasized course materials besides Mandarin and English, were including Leadership, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship.

Matriculation Course prepared the prospective students the basic knowledge on their selected major, Taiwan college life, and so that their bond became stronger relative to students from other countries, thus becoming model for other students selected through other selection process.

Prof. Mujidin Taiwan Center
Industry-Academia Collaboration Taiwan Indonesia
Matrikulasi Taiwan Center

ICoSaPS International Conference: Technology and Innovation in Contemporary Democratic Society

Prof Liao Da Chi UNS Taiwan ICoSaPS

Prof. Da Chi Liao from Nasional Sun Yatsen University Taiwan,was invited as speaker for International Conference collaboration from UNS-Taiwan Center. Prof. Da Chi Liao mentioned that technology, innovation, and democracy factors are the most recent hot topics.

Even more so, current technology plays more role in democratic life, not only in Indonesia but also globally.

Based on attendance, there was improved variety, in which more different countries joined and participated in this conference. There are participants from Indonesia, Egypt, Netherlands, Australia, and Malaysia.

Therefore, new ideas to answer challenges of related phenomenons around technology and innovation in democratic society, are highly needed.

Prof Da Chi Liao Taiwan UNS NSYSU

International Conference on Small And Medium Enterprise Empowerment (ICSMEE)

Prof. Tai Wan Ping

Prof. Tai Wan Ping, Ph.D. professor of business from Cheng Shiu University was invited as speaker in International Conference held by Research and Community Services Institute, Universitas Sebelas Maret (LPPM UNS) in collaboration with Taiwan Center.

The International Conference themed “Enhancing Small Medium Enterprise Competitiveness Based on Creative Economy in Innovation Disruptions” not only invited international speakers from partner universities in Taiwan, but also speakers from Creative Economy Agency of the Republic Indonesia

The main purpose of this international conference is to serve as dissemination for research, knowledge, and experience in SME’s empowerment, in social, economical, and technological aspects from policy makers, stakeholders, researchers, volunteers, and practitioners, to be recommended as guidance and strategy to empower SMEs.

This International Conference is expected to be an effective knowledge sharing media in order to create competitive Indonesian SMEs.

Furthermore, this conference also provided opportunities to build cooperation and synergize the stakeholders (government agencies, universities, business enterprises, and NGO) in SMEs empowerment.

Prof. Tai Wan Ping Cheng Shiu University