Taiwan Center Indonesia held the first ever International Job Fair with three Taiwan based companies in the Faculty of Law, Universitas Sebelas Maret (FH UNS) Auditorium Hall, Wednesday (23/10/2019). The three companies were ACTi Corporation, HCP Pump Manufacture, and PEGATRON Corp.
This job fair titled “UNS-Taiwan Job Fair” was held as collaboration from Career Development Center (CDC) and International Office (IO) UNS with Taiwan Center, TETO Taiwan Trade Office in Jakarta and Ministry of Economy Fair Taiwan.
Vice Rector of Academic Affairs, Prof. Ahmad Yunus in his opening speech mentioned that the job fair is intended to open the opportunities for UNS alumni to work in multinational and international companies. Furthermore, the job fair is also UNS’s effort toward World Class University, in which one of the rated criteria is total number of UNS alumni working in multinational companies.